BSAO Code of Conduct

The BSAO Board of Directors value our Members and Presenters.  We all share a common goal of advancing the field of building science in our communities.  We will agree to do that with respect, dignity, fairness, and courtesy.

It is recognized that all members and presenters bring a diverse background to any organization, and opinions will differ.  All debate shall take place in an atmosphere of mutual respect and courtesy, including not using inappropriate language, including racist or sexist remarks.

We recognize and demonstrate that we are ambassadors and representatives of the Building Science Association of Ontario in our community, and we will ensure that we always maintain a professional and positive image of BSAO.

As ‘respect’ is a key ingredient to BSAO’s Code of Conduct, we attempt to describe what it may look like to provide more clarity.

Respect is:

The definition of respect:  An understanding that all people and things have value by showing high regard and consideration for self, others, community, and environment.  Respect is an attitude of admiration or esteem.

If you have any questions, or have a concern that our Code of Conduct has been breached, please contact the Building Science Association of Ontario:

By Mail: 2800-14th Ave., Suite 210, Markham, ON L3R 0E4
By Phone: 647-317-5754
By Email: