Passive House Design and Construction Course Part A
April 6, 2017 - April 9, 2017 -Passive House Design and Construction Course Part A
Date: April 6th-April 9th 2017
Time: 9 am-5 pm
The Passive House Design and Construction Course is aimed at all current and aspiring building industry professionals who are motivated to learn how to build to the world’s most advanced and energy efficient construction standard.
This foundation course is offered in three modules:
Part A: Passive House Principles
Part B: Energy Modeling with PHPP
Part C: Online Exam Prep Module (self-paced)
Each module can be taken separately, or they can be taken together in a combination that meets your needs. If you intend to write the Certified Passive House Designer / Consultant Exam we strongly recommend you take Parts A, B, and C. You may also choose to take the 2 day in-class Exam Prep Course if it is offered in your region.
Part A (4 days in class): April 6, 7, 8, 9
Part A can be taken on its own and provides a comprehensive foundation in Passive House design and construction. These are the principles that need to be thoroughly understood in order to write the Certified Passive House Designer / Consultant exam. We also strongly recommend that if you intend to write the exam you take Part B as well since the exam does cover aspects of PHPP and examinees are required to supply a valid PHPP registration number.
Part A covers the technical, social, economic, and policy elements of the standard. Numerous case studies, both domestic and international, will demonstrate current best practice.
Day 1: Passive House Principles, Insulation and Airtightness
Day 2: Thermal Bridging and Windows
Day 3: Mechanical Systems
Day 4: Economics, Design, Quality Assurance and Certification
Intended Audience: All building industry professionals, including city planners, policy makers, building officials, manufacturers, engineers, architects, designers, contractors, and builders. Part A can be taken as a standalone course even if you don’t intend to write the exam.
Core Learning Units: 26
Course instructors: Andrew Peel and Philippe St-Jean
Passive House Canada -Maison Passive Canada is the national non-profit organization that offers industry, government and public education and advocates for policy changes towards high-performance building in Canada. Passive House design and construction is able to reduce heating and cooling demands of a building by up to 90%. In July 2016, an update to the Ontario Building Code (OBC) SB-12 was published, stating that the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) will now be accepted as a tool to demonstrate compliance with the OBC SB-12 supplement (Part 9 low-rise residential buildings). In December 2016, the federal government released the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, highlighting the need for dramatically improved building energy efficiency across Canada, positioning the Passive House standard as a vital tool in achieving energy reduction targets.