
BSAO Graduate Scholarship


Marley Dowling

Marley is undertaking her Master of Applied Science in Civil Engineering at the University of Waterloo. Marley has been a member of the BSAO UW chapter for approximately two years. At the start of this past academic year, she took on a more involved role with the University of Waterloo student chapter and was selected as a co-executive for the year. As one of the first ever graduate students of architectural engineering and now as a master’s student she was well suited to help engage and grow the chapter.ery involved with the Building Science Association of Ontario, presenting at BSAO events, and co-authoring papers presented at the Canadian Conference on Building Science & Technology. 

Marley’s profound interest in building science and the building envelope has been cultivated over the span of six years, beginning with her undergraduate studies in architectural engineering. Throughout her academic journey, she dedicated herself to understanding the intricate complexities of building systems, particularly through specialized coursework in building science. This educational foundation sparked a deep-seated curiosity in her, particularly regarding the multifaceted challenges inherent in optimizing building performance while satisfying the diverse array of stakeholder interests.

BSAO Undergraduate Scholarship


Colin Gu

Colin is a University of Toronto student in the Civil Engineering undergraduate program BASc. Colin has participated in many BSAO events over the years as well obtaining an internship with a BSAO member company. Between the third and the fourth year of the undergraduate program, Colin interned at RDH Building Science as an Engineering Assistant. His responsibilities on this role included but were not limited to conducting site visits (roof condition reports, heritage building restoration, condo new construction quality assurance (TARION), water leakage investigation and repairs recommendation) and in-office design work (commercial and residential architectural detail reviews, thermal bridging and energy loss calculations, energy retrofit options recommendations, etc.).

Colin was drawn to the field of building science because it touches on both the design of the building enclosure, and the construction and installation of its components. From a design perspective, we could calculate the theoretical best of the performance. But in the meantime, we need to pay attention to aspects like material compatibility & properties, construction sequencing, construction quality assurance, etc., so that we have a high degree of confidence that what gets installed in the field aligns with what is prescribed. Building science covers both the design and the installation and assures that the finished product delivers the claimed performance in thermal, energy and occupant comfort. It is the dedication to truth that draws my interest!

BSAO Graduate Research Scholarship


Dorothy Johns

Dorothy is a PhD Building Science student at Toronto Metropolitan University.  Dorothy is very involved with the Building Science Association of Ontario, presenting at BSAO events, and co-authoring papers presented at the Canadian Conference on Building Science & Technology. 

Her further research interests are rooted in building science scholarship in architectural education and practice, with a focus on low-embodied carbon materials and material performance, high performance design utilizing passive and active systems, as well as low-energy and low-carbon design for human comfort from a holistic perspective on human health including physical and mental health.

BSAO Undergraduate Research Scholarship


Serena Kam

Serena is in her 4th year of study at the University of Waterloo, Honors Architectural Engineering & Co-op of Applied Science.  Serena has a strong passion for sciences, architectural engineering, and their integration in the building envelope.

Serena’s career goal is to apply science and physics to optimize energy performance and sustainability in the built environment by designing high quality building enclosures.  Retrofit is my major interest because it makes use of what we already have and avoids an enormous amount of waste from demolition and carbon emissions from producing new structural materials like concrete and steel.

BSAO Graduate Research Scholarship


Kelsey Eakin

Kelsey is a second year Doctor of Philosophy student from the University of Toronto in the Civil and Mineral Engineering Department. After finishing her degree, she plans to pursue a career related to building science enclosure consulting.

BSAO Undergraduate Research Scholarship


Babak Malekzadeh

Babak developed his interest in building science in his first semester at George Brown College while studying Construction Engineering.  He was amazed about the impact the environment has on building and how a poorly designed building required more energy hence contributing to global warming.  He believes if we reduce the energy in buildings, it will reduce the impact on the environment.

BSAO Undergraduate Research Scholarship


Maria Stakheiko

Maria has always loved a technical challenge and fell in love with physics and math.  When she learned about the complexities of occupant comfort, about the myriad of materials and layers and systems that could be put together to create an efficient assembly of how every single building has different requirements from all others – that is when the spark ignited for Building Science.

BSAO Graduate Research Scholarship


Noor Alkhalili

Noor is a thesis student in the Master of Architecture program at the University of Toronto.  She is passionate about building science and has been a teaching assistant for the past 2.5 years.

BSAO Undergraduate Research Scholarship


Marya Kemp

Marya is expected to complete her Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering next year from the University of Toronto.  Her goal is to pursue a career in sustainability consulting.

BSAO Undergraduate Scholarship


Lia Codrington - University of Toronto

After finishing her undergraduate degree this year, Lia wants to continue her studies and pursue a Master’s degree. Her goal is to research the feasibility of low energy or net zero energy homes in Canada’s Northern climate, with a focus on designing culturally-appropriate solutions in collaboration with Inuit communities.

BSAO Undergraduate Scholarship


David Gertsvolf – Algonquin College

In September 2018 David started in level 5 of the BBSc degree program and is Excited about his future in the building science industry.

BSAO Graduate Research Scholarship


Kevin Zhang - Ryerson University

Kevin is very involved on campus with student  groups, pushing Building Science. He is involved with BSAO on various committees and looks forward to getting more involved in the future.

BSAO Graduate Research Scholarship


Jelena Madzarevic

Jelena is a Master’s in Building Science candidate at Ryerson University.

BSAO Undergraduate Scholarship


Anna Farbis

Anna is currently in her fourth year of Engineering Science at the University of Toronto. 

BSAO Graduate Research Scholarship


Junmeng Liu

Junmeng is a graduate from the University of Waterloo, majoring in Civil Engineering. He is currently pursuing a Master of Applied Science degree in building science at Ryerson University.

His research is in the area of pre and post occupancy building performance evaluations, and is advised by Dr. Mark Gorgolewski.

BSAO Undergraduate Scholarship


Peter Oliveira

Peter is currently in his fourth year of Civil Engineering at the University of Waterloo. Peter is the President and Co-Founder of the University of Waterloo Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter and Warrior Home Design Team.

He is leading a team that is researching best building science practices that can be implemented to improve the performance of Waterloo Region Habitat Homes in a cost-effective manner. Peter has spent his last two co-op terms working for RDH Building Science in Seattle and Waterloo. At work he applies his construction background and practical knowledge for how buildings work to assist RDH staff in providing quality results for clients.