BSAO Student Chapters

Join or form an BSAO Student Chapter to expand your knowledge of building science, gain leadership experience and network with the industry leaders. Your involvement with BSAO could also help you become eligible for an BSAO Academic scholarship award which includes a monetary prize, complimentary membership in BSAO for one year, and a one-year mentorship by a building science professional who is a member of BSAO, including guidance on technical issues and career advice.  Your BSAO student membership would also provide you with free digital access to the past editions of Pushing the Envelope magazine, and webinars on topic of building science. 

Here are the necessary steps to form a new BSAO Student Chapter:

  1. Become an BSAO member -  If you are attending a recognized building science, architectural, engineering or construction program at a college or university program full time, you can apply to become an BSAO student member. Click here to join BSAO.
  2. Find a Faculty Advisor - The BSAO Student Chapter will need a faculty advisor who is a member of BSAO. If the advisor has never been a member of BSAO, BSAO will provide a FREE one-year BSAO membership.
  3. Sign an organizing petition - An organizing petition signed by at least 5 BSAO Student Members and a Faculty Advisor is required to form a student chapter. Click here for the organizing petition. 
  4. Submit your petition to the BSAO Board of Directors (Education Committee Chair) for review and approval. Click here to submit your petition.

BSAO student chapter guidelines:

Composition and meetings

Events and seminars

Awards and scholarships

BSAO Committee membership

BSAO’s right to disband Student Chapter:

Student Chapter Year-End Form


My time as an BSAO member has been excellent, as they have provided me with support, networking opportunities, and most importantly, a way to get involved in the building envelope industry locally. I was honoured to receive the BSAO Graduate Scholarship in 2019. The scholarship helped me with my doctorate studies at Ryerson University, where I researched how moisture storage in wood sheathing affected durability – and how temperature and age affected the moisture storage. Having recently finished my studies, I plan on returning to industry and applying my knowledge to exciting new projects. I’m also an active member of the BSAO Education Committee, assisting in developing the student chapters (of which I was a member at Ryerson). The student chapters were envisioned as a great way to get future building envelope experts involved early on in their careers and I look forward to their continued development. Attending BSAO events has introduced me to fascinating new concepts from experts in the industry, as well as networking opportunities – from building material manufacturers to other students, I have made meaningful connections which I hope to maintain for my future career. 
- Kevin Zhang

Being involved with BSAO during university has been instrumental to my professional development. At dinners, I was exposed to a range of building-related topics presented by professionals working in the building science industry. Dinners have also been fantastic opportunities to meet building science professionals and to grow my personal network. My experiences at BSAO dinners have been instrumental in growing my knowledge beyond the theory presented in coursework. The relationships I have cultivated at dinners have also been helpful during my job search after graduation. The numerous connections I have made were incredibly open to offering me advice and guidance when navigating the job market. Beyond the dinners, the Push the Envelope magazine has been an excellent resource in understanding building science topics relevant to Ontario. It provided real-life examples that were connected to the building science topics I have studied at University. I would encourage any student curious about the buildings and building science industry to join BSAO as a student member.
- Jelena Madzarevic